
“Initiating Game Changing Transformation”

“The Transition, by some called crisis , is the new world organizing itself. As long as the transition is not understood, the crisis will remain”.

Initiate in a game-changing Transformation; This implies a game-changing transformation of all social sectors, such as: government, education, media, entrepreneurship, science, religion and social order (the institutions, also known as the system).

This transformation will proceed according to the laws that are new to this world. This transformation is non-bureaucratic, non-political, non-managed, non-competitive, non-local, non-dualistic, non-owned, non-religious, non-conforming, non-institutional, non-employed, non- profit, collectively organized (self-organizing), collectively led (self-managing), collectively realized (self-realizing), collectively innovated (self-learning), collectively funded (self-financing).

The new laws are all-changing and create order in the seeming chaos of crisis and in the entire development as the whole transition that is now taking place, to a New World in onenessconsciousness.

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