Education in a new dimension will operate by new laws!
13 ways in which education will transform and organize itself. A gamechanging transformation.
Education in a New dimension is non-managed
Education in a New dimension is non-employed.
Education in a New dimension is non-local.
Education in a New dimension is non-profit.
Education in a New dimension is non-owned.
Education in a New dimension is non-religious
Education in a New dimension is non-institutional.
Education in a New dimension is organized by crowd (selforganized).
Education in a New dimension is lead by crowd (selfsteered).
Education in a New dimension is realized by crowd (selfrealized, selfstarted).
Education in a New dimension is innovated by crowd (self-learned).
Education in a New dimension is funded by crowd (self-financed).
Education in a New dimension is interconnected.
This is the game changing. Education becomes education!
Education – Media
Focus/Essence: What is needed in the world is the unique contribution of each as an individual from his/her own potential. And what is meant here is his/her own fullest potential. This is what is needed to get this whole new development in motion.
For this, self-development, psychological development and character development are essential. Education as well as media as transmitters are the pillars and guides, for anyone to be able to develop in a way to meet this great collective potential.
A good education is part of the legacy for the next generations and is decisive for success and growth.
Self-development leads to the source of knowledge that one needs, in order to learn exactly that which a person needs to learn.
Consciousness development, clear perception and understanding of the essence of everything (wisdom) and passing on wisdom, extending knowledge.
Aspects to transform within: Conditionality, giving to get in return.
Issues to solve in the world: Lack of attention for the development of consciousness and healthy psychology in primary school teachings. No or too little attention, nor by education, nor by media for the essence of human development. How can one get attention from children for something if one does not have this oneself?
Goal: We are each part of the whole and it is meant for us to take responsibility for exactly that part here on earth and for that which is there to learn. And that part has most relation to ourselves.
Social educational choices:
1 Use of media for which it is meant to be, namely focused fully on raising awareness and consciousness, learning, growth, transmission of knowledge and also entertainment, rather than manipulation of the masses.
2 Offering education and extending of knowledge based on self-development, development qualities, norms and values, character development, development of own will, expression, responsibility and self-learning process and to create leaders instead of followers.
3 Education available to anyone, of any level, anywhere in the world. Create platforms for interactive learning concepts.
4 Integration of cultures in education and creative teaching methods as a standard. Mirroring instead of testing.
5 Knowledge of facts of the world subordinated to self-development and self-fulfillment.
6 Education selfrealization by selfactivation, selfleadership and self organization, starting from elementary school.
7 Self organizing education. Instead of learning facts, to promote and help children to develop the ability to learn.
Organizing of education (social responsible) and the entire process from development, upbringing and education, aimed on self-development, development of qualities, values, character development, development of own will, expression, responsibility, initiatives and life-long-learning.
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