All EarthMission quotes on one page:
I am my Mission.
Everything in Your Life is Part of Your Mission.
In One Life to Learn all Lessons IN Life is a Mission Possible.
The Centre of Your Heart and the Centre of the Earth, it is the same Centre.
The Fulfilment of our Collective Mission becomes One Big Event.
We All Share a Common Mission.
BE the Mission!
Paradigms are not Your Own. Your Mission is.
Our mission is here and now on Earth.
Everything that is Meant to Be and to Learn is from a Higher Dimension.
Every change comes from Within. The Beginning is somewhere inside, the End is Here and Now.
Transformation, back to the origin, brings Light.
Transition, (by some called crisis) is the New World Organizing Itself.
There is Only One Transition, the Transition into the Light.
As long as the transition is misunderstood, crisis remains.
The institute owns the crisis. People own their missions.
There is only One Earth and Our Transition into the Light.
Transition is history not repeating itself.
Transition is the New Paradigm.
Shift Happens
The Real Event happens Inside.
The New World is here and is Part of You.
People are Born as Leaders. BE Your Own Leader.
Your Relation to the World is the Relation to Yourself.
A Leading Role is not only meant for a few, but for Everyone.
There is Only One Order which is Oneness. Oneness is the New World Order.