The Transition to OnenesConsciousness II – The Consciousness that Unites All in One!

The closer we get to our own origin, the more everything becomes one.

The theory of everything, or the unification theory, is the theory that reduces everything to one. The missing link in science that explains the connection between the largest as the smallest – and the smallest as the largest part. The theory of everything is the theory of origins, where it all began, the zero point. OnenessConsciousness is the universal consciousness as well as the zero-point consciousness, that all was and is one from the origins! Meanwhile, humanity is discovering that the factor time does not exist, neither does matter. Everything is consciousness, and everything is light. The theory of everything as a scientific theory, in reality, is the consciousness of the new world.

In this new era, everything that happens, at an accelerated pace, eventually leads to a new consciousness. Everything that happens has a reason. The truth is that the new ‘era’, insofar as we can speak of time, is already upon us. The energy of the new era is already here and is gradually starting to do its job. Which makes people move, take real action and in an instant be able to see things differently. At that very moment, the light is born, and the new consciousness become a reality on this planet.

Cause and effect

To see everything that is going on right now, tsunami(s), climate change, forest fires, terrorist attacks, pandemics, moral discussions ultimately lead to onenessconsciousness instead of crises is the lesson we can learn from this. The outer reality is a reflection of the inner. If we can resolve the inner, then the challenges in the aparent outer reality of the world will resolve as well, and the new consciousness will appear to climb higher and higher, just like the new light on the horizon.

Our time seems to be running out. However, the truth is that it is no longer a matter of time. We are already living in the moment where time seems to keep going faster. In the here and now, all the solutions can be found and all solutions become reality. Not even doom-mongering can take us off this path. The lesson remains until it is learned, until doom-mongering also no longer makes sense, but only brings us out of the eternal instant (zero point). Until we see the moment that we can choose to return. Everyone now has the choice to enter the universal consciousness, the onenessconsciousness and enter the new world.

The new earth is here, we just have to learn how to see it.

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