Initiate a game-changing transformation

Initiate a game-changing transformation; in entrepreneurship, education, science, media, leadership, culture, social organisation, and every institution associated with it. On the one hand it means finding and working on key solutions to current issues, on the other hand it means the innovation of key solutions.

There is a need to let go of the old first. Transforming old paradigms is the actual game-changing transformation. When we transform old paradigms, it paves the way to the next level in each of these areas. Entrepreneurship becomes entrepreneurship, education becomes education, science becomes science, and world relationship becomes world relationship. What comes next doesn’t have to be invented. It is already there. Humanity may not have a plan, how to save itself out of the crisis situation, solutions are there. Solutions for matters at a large scale are possibly these key solutions and these can often be realized in a specific partnership.

Key roles in a game-changing transformation

There are already many organisations that ‘initiate’ a genuine transformation. What stands out is that many people work individually, independently, and in an organisational context, find themselves in the same phase namely a phase of transition. It seems as if something is asked from us and it us up to the individual to find out how to shape this new world we want to live in, what role we want to play, and to finally figure out what that role is!

The right person in the right place can work miracles. One person can hold the key to the real solution to one of the world’s major problems or in the manifestation of a game-changing transformation, thus bringing other solutions closer. The question is: How do you find your way in this context? There are no ready-made answers here. It’s something we all have to face. Keys can be found when people find each other. Interconnection appears to be of increasing importance over selfish motives and the concept of competition. The aim is to be autonomous and part of the whole at the same time. By helping the whole advance, you advance yourself and vice versa, and there is no room for selfish interests.

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